A gentle introduction to Monads

Monads Kristof Slechten

def unit: A → F[A] We need Map functionality, that allows us to apply A → B on the A type inside box F def map: F[A] → (A → B) → F[B] We need a Flatten functionality that allows us to unpack a type A inside 2 boxes F. def flatten: F With these […]

The ins and outs of GraphQL: with Java and Spring

Kopie van Kopie van Kopie van Introduction to reactive programming with spring

com.graphql-java graphql-spring-boot-starter 5.0.2 com.graphql-java graphql-java-tools 5.2.4 Besides that, we need to add at least one GraphQL schema file (with the .graphqls file extension). This will be picked up automatically by the Spring Boot starter, as long as the file or files are part of the classpath. Next, we need to define one or more Spring beans […]

Domain-Driven Design

Domain Driven Design

Stefan Borghys Rol Stefan Borghys is reeds enige tijd actief als Java Software Crafter. Hij heeft een stevige passie voor technologie en techniek, full Stack software development en software architectuur.

The ins and outs of GraphQL: Syntax

Kopie van Kopie van Kopie van Introduction to reactive programming with spring

type Query { students: [Person] student(id:ID!): Person } type Person { id:ID! firstName: String lastName: String fullName: String, dateOfBirth: Date, picture: Url, address: Address } type Address { city: String street: String postalCode: String zipCode: String @deprecated(reason: “Use ’postalCode’.”) } scalar Date scalar Url Let’s start by unpacking the first part of that: Type Query represents the […]

Cloud native the way to go?

Cloud native

Michel Schevernels Software Crafter Michel Schevernels behaalde een Master in de Toegepaste Informatica aan de KU Leuven. Momenteel is Michel aan de slag bij Ravago in Arendonk, waar hij meewerkt aan het ontwikkelen van verschillende Java applicaties.

Securing your Spring apps with KeyCloak

Kopie van Introduction to reactive programming with spring

org.keycloak keycloak-spring-boot-starter And also add the dependency in the dependency management section: org.keycloak.bom keycloak-adapter-bom 3.3.0.Final pom import After this is done, we need to let Spring Security know how to communicate with KeyCloak. To do this, add the following properties to the application.properties file: keycloak.auth-server-url=http://localhost:8080/auth keycloak.realm=ContinuumSecure keycloak.resource=ContinuumDemo keycloak.public-client=true The value we specify in keycloak.resource matches the client […]