My first days as a front-end apprentice

Inge photo first day of work

Inge Ceux Front-end Apprentice My goal is to make people's lives easy with user-friendly, well-designed software. I feel at home in the world of UI/UX design AND software development. This complementary skillset has already helped me tremendously on past projects, where I could make effective decisions from both the perspective [...]

Discogs and Java

Discogs logo

Never would I have imagined I would say this, but Covid-19 is not all bad. During these uncertain times new things came alive. Because what else is there to do than killing time with some software development? Sitting cosy and comfortable behind my computer screen, with a cup of coffee, eager as a beaver, carefully [...]

Sending STOMP messages over a WebSocket in Spring Boot 2

Sending STOMP messages over a WebSocket in Spring Boot 2 Sey Vaneerdewegh

Sey Vaneerdewegh Java Crafter Sey Vaneerdewegh is an enthusiastic JAVA software crafter at Continuum Consulting NV with experience in Java and JavaScript. Sey is passionate about software architecture, automatization and continuous learning and improvement. He is currently working as a consultant - full stack developer at TrendMiner (Hasselt, Belgium), a company, where he focuses on [...]

A gentle introduction to Monads

Monads Kristof Slechten

def unit: A → F[A] We need Map functionality, that allows us to apply A → B on the A type inside box F def map: F[A] → (A → B) → F[B] We need a Flatten functionality that allows us to unpack a type A inside 2 boxes F. def flatten: F With these [...]

The ins and outs of GraphQL: with Java and Spring

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com.graphql-java graphql-spring-boot-starter 5.0.2 com.graphql-java graphql-java-tools 5.2.4 Besides that, we need to add at least one GraphQL schema file (with the .graphqls file extension). This will be picked up automatically by the Spring Boot starter, as long as the file or files are part of the classpath. Next, we need to define one or more Spring beans [...]

Domain-Driven Design

Domain Driven Design

Stefan Borghys Role Stefan Borghys has been active as a Java Software Crafter for some time. He has a solid passion for technology and engineering, full Stack software development and software architecture.

Through the F.I.R.E. and the flames: a look at future web development

Through the fire and the flames

{ “short_name”: “PWA demo”, “name”: “Continuum PWA demo”, “icons”: [{ “src”: “/images/icon-192.png”, “type”: “image/png”, “sizes”: “192×192” } ], “start_url”: “/”, “display”: “standalone” } short_name & name: The name of the application, used for the shortcut on the home screen and the eventual title bar when installed. If there is not enough space to fit the name (as […]

The ins and outs of GraphQL: Syntax

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type Query { students: [Person] student(id:ID!): Person } type Person { id:ID! firstName: String lastName: String fullName: String, dateOfBirth: Date, picture: Url, address: Address } type Address { city: String street: String postalCode: String zipCode: String @deprecated(reason: “Use ’postalCode’.”) } scalar Date scalar Url Let’s start by unpacking the first part of that: Type Query represents the […]

To pair or not to pair...

Copy of Introduction to reactive programming with spring

Is pair development the new way to do development, is it the goose with the golden eggs, or is it just another way to write software...