
kubecon 2022 conference

Kevin Van Loo Software Crafter Kevin is an enthusiastic and highly driven software crafter. He has over 15 years of experience in various fields in the IT world. Currently, he mainly takes on tasks as a senior developer and team leader. His dedication and responsibility ensure that every assignment is in good hands with him.

Our very first post-Corona team building

Corona app

The Organization Finally, after so many months of working from home and only virtual events, we got to host another physical team building event. At Continuum, we value participation, involvement and commitment from our Crafters, so those interested were first crowned members of the party committee. Heads were put together, a date was [...]

The makings of a good architect

blog alain

Alain Van Hout Java Crafter Alain Van Hout is a Java Software Crafter with a Master in Science (Biology) and experience in academic research concering evolutionary biology. Currently, Alain is working on web applications and API intergrations at the genomics data analysis provider BlueBee (Mechelen), where he combines his background in biology with his passion [...]